(416) 282-4229

Frequently Asked Questions

General Inquiries

Phone: (416) 282-4229

Fax: (416) 282-4650

Email: info@craftsmanshutter.com

Having difficulty finding an answer?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us through one of methods listed above.

Does your company do free in home quotes?

Yes we do. If you call our office at 416-282-4229 we can book you in for a free at home quote. At this appointment we will measure all windows, show you samples of what you are looking for and give you your free quote

Do you only do wood shutters for inside?

No. We do wood shutters for inside and outside, vinyl shutters for inside and all types of different blinds for inside.

My window has a curve at the top, what can be done if I want shutters?

If you are looking to cover a window with an arch at the top we can custom make arches to fit the space needed that will match your current or new shutters.

If I would like to get my whole house done but not all at the same time is this something you can accommodate?

Yes. We would suggest getting an in home quote and getting all the windows measured that you would like coverings in. Then you can decide which windows/rooms you would like to go with first, and can finish the rest at a later date.

How long do wood shutters last and is there a warranty?

Wood shutters last about 10-15 years and come with a warranty. Please refer to the Warranty page or give us a call and we can give you information on our warranty.

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